Welcome to Pet is Life - An extention of eBayID - ecuriouz (Member since 2003)
Our aim is to provide a selection of quality items that can be easily shipped to you.
All items are genuine authentic branded items as seen in photos.
As the store is being populated with items, please feel free to let me know if there is an item that you are looking for. No obligation to purchase is necessary.
If you happen to see a lower price elsewhere, please do not hesitate to let me know, I will do my best to adjust price accordingly.
email : jon@petislife.com.au (responses <8 hours)
Featured Products
NextGard Spectra for Dogs 15-30kg | 3x Doses
$100.95 $75.71
NextGard Spectra for Dogs 30-60kg | 3x Doses
$124.95 $93.71
Optive Vision 10 ml
New Products
Special Offers
Nexgard Chewable for Dogs 4-10 kg | 3 Tablets
$49.99 $47.49
Nextgard Spectra for Dogs 2-3.5kg | 3 Doses
$79.95 $59.96
Nexgard Chewable for Dogs 10 - 20 kg | 3 Tablets..
$57.95 $55.05
Nexgard Chewable for Dogs 2-4 kg | 3 Tablets | 1..
$46.99 $44.64
NextGard Spectra for Dogs 7.5-15kg | 3x Doses
$87.95 $65.96
NextGard Spectra for Dogs 15-30kg | 3x Doses
$100.95 $75.71
4 x 0.8mL Advantage FOR CATS Over 4KG
$31.95 $30.35
NextGard Spectra for Dogs 30-60kg | 3x Doses
$124.95 $93.71
NextGard Spectra for Dogs 3.5-7.5kg | 3x Doses
$83.95 $62.96
$29.95 $28.45
Alcon Tobrex - Tobramycin 0.3% | 3.5g Ophthalmic..
$18.95 $18.00